I say SuJu, U say Oppa!
Несмотря ни на что.
Yes, all your fears are real. Eunhyuk loves girls. He's a playboy. A ladies man. He knows everyone. He loves to socialize. He has tons of girl close friends, he manipulates his nonnas, he drools over his dongsaengs.. He is always connected to girls and relationships. Scandals/doubts/suspicious pics/making out in the companies/dating next to the river/hiding girlfriends to protect them/affairs with starts he is a fan of/girls in his bedroom.. You name it. His name is always there. And its never denied. Would it be? Of course not, even its not truth. But despite how playboy he is, he had dated a few girls. He's the one to say that when a relation is over he goes drive at night and starts a new day without letting that affect his work. He never lets his apparent quick dates affect him. He's cold with girls, he has fun and he couldn't care less.
Eunhyuk is all that. The idol is all that.
Hyukjae on his hand.. The guy who met his fishy best friend as a trainee that changed his life, bringing a new friend to his life with Junsu.. The guy who always had a big smile when Donghae was there (which was always). The guy who made Donghae smile like no one ever does..
The guy who was there without eating and resting, backing up and praying for his Donghae when he lost his dad..
The one who is so gentle and patiente with the 6 yo guy like he is with NO ONE.
That is the man who found love..
Hyukjae has a huge soft spot for Donghae.
He may have had all the girls he wanted.. He may be so strong that a girl ending with him can't take him down.
But anything from Donghae and his heart ashes..
Donghae is the boy he would do anything for. Even die, probably.
He is the boy he promised he will always take care of, and protect and carry like his dad used to.
A simple word not said or a plan not achieved between the two and its a sorrow burdening his heart.
If Donghae starts slipping away, not claiming his presence, his professional side is lost right with his rationality.
Donghae can't live without his love and he turns Hyukjae into a fool.
They are each other's "My love" and "your love" like they used to say in their messages.
Я наверное не во всем согласна с ее точкой зрения.. или у меня мозг отказывается принимать некоторые моменты, но в любом случае, в подобных объяснениях я оченьнуждаюсь, и именно это меня впечатлило и действительно совпало с моими собственными ощущениями.
В любом случае, ЫнХэ действительно реальны. Как же мне стыдно теперь за свой псих.
Они реальны, несмотря ни на каких девушек, с которыми они может быть и встречаются, несмотря на то, каким образом у них эта реальность проявляется. Или наоборот прячется.
ЫнХэ - это ЫнХэ. Всегда.